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Startup Investment & Modelling with Excel

Startup Investment & Modelling with Excel

For the last 6 years of consulting startup founders and investors, the most common question I came across was about equity and convertible note conversions.
To calculate the equity dilution of founders and also converting shares for investors depends on a couple of conditions such as company valuation, convertible note clauses, and agreements with further investors.
With this Excel template and eBook, you will be able to analyze your dilution and moreover, you can use your analysis of your negotiations as leverage. Learn the meaning of SAFE clauses and avoid future errors in your deals.
Understand startup investment better. Save money on consultants to prepare CAP Table. Know what you are doing when negotiating and learn Convertible Note / SAFE clauses meanings.
Access our CAP Table Analysis Excel Template, three case study templates, and startup investment eBook today!
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